My life is defined by adventure. But, I didn't always have it set that way. Like all of us, I spent years on a crushing churn of living incongruently and out of integrity - my values and actions didn't align consistently. I suffered as a result.
Adventure offers a path forward - in integrity, with congruence, while honoring your responsibilities. Choose adventure.
Begin the FREE 7-Day Adventure Challenge and start start the shift toward your new reality today!
Redefine success on your terms - move beyond burnout and overwhelm.
Enter the FREE training and start breaking the old habits today!
1/3 Texas. 1/3 New Jersey. 1/3 Pacific Northwest = I am like black licorice, not for everyone, but for those where it clicks; it clicks. I am a divorced father of two, Master's level psychologist, international mountain guide, author, and men's coach. My life's work is to bring the spirit and vitality of adventure into our everyday - our relationships, our work, and our community.
Adventure is the ideal training ground and offering to bring us back to center. There is no other experience that tests our character, challenges us, inspires us, clarifies our sense of purpose, and offers us a shift in perspective towards living a life of integrity, congruency, and intention. Adventure cuts through the bullshit - we crave that honesty and directness.
I am a hypocrite. Like you. I struggle to consistently align my values and my actions. Like you. I show up every day with the best intentions - some days I execute with clarity and fortitude. Like you. Other days I am lazy, distracted, and irritable. Like you. I seek adventure as way to engage challenge, test my mental fortitude, move and breathe in powerful places. Like you. I have regrets that I haven't lived fully enough. Like you.
Adventure offers play, challenge, reset, and camaraderie. Adventure is a catalyst for living a full and powerful life.
I need adventure in my life. Like you.
Adventure is in everything, how I: father, in partnership, in service to others, choose and engage in BFGs, live in community, craft and create a lifestyle that serves me and my family, work through challenge and uncertainty, embrace joy and play - adventure is a way of being. It's as unique as you.