Welcome - a carved out space where adventure,  men's work, and personal leadership converge. You'll find my tips, perspective, approach, tools and podcast episodes here.

Join me as we pull these worlds together - the same worlds you are immersed in and seek community. 

Don’t Let Life’s Chaos Dictate Your Relationship With Your Children way

Peak Fatherhood


Check out this documentary following my dedication to exploring the true power of adventure.

Adventure Calling - Movie


Adventure is the antidote to mid-life crisis. 

contraction or expansion


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This post was originally written for, and published by, Oars and Alps. Matt Walker spends 100 days a year in a tent. As a psychologist and international mountain guide, he spends much of that time leading men on climbing expeditions, helping them reconnect with a sense of adventure. While nearly all of his clients find these […]

The Power of Nature