Welcome - a carved out space where adventure, men's work, and personal leadership converge. You'll find my tips, perspective, approach, tools and podcast episodes here.
Join me as we pull these worlds together - the same worlds you are immersed in and seek community.
Don’t Let Life’s Chaos Dictate Your Relationship With Your Children way
Check out this documentary following my dedication to exploring the true power of adventure.
Adventure is the antidote to mid-life crisis.
Adventure is more than just an expedition to an unknown landscape or significant physical challenge—it’s a mindset that shapes how we approach leadership, difficulty, and uncertainty. Reading adventure-oriented books is a window into understanding not only the journeys of others but also the traits and philosophies that define an adventurous life. This list isn’t your […]
Life moves fast. Insanely fast. And we all struggle to keep up with the deluge of input and conflicting demands on our time and energy: personally and professionally. An adventure mindset offers an immediate, and directly tangible, solution. The Five Elements of Adventure are the foundational philosophy and the filter through which we can reflect, […]