The Burden of Discomfort

Understanding the Challenge of Modern Comforts I frequently see it with my clients: they struggle with any uncertainty because they are so used to having specific solutions to meet their every need. Feel cold? Simply turn the thermostat up a degree. Crave a particular type of food? Get it delivered any time. Today, our needs […]

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My go-to gear for 2024 – gear tested and favorited through expeditions and adventure.

Must Have Gear for 2024


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When we our lives feel heavy and insurmountable – adventure offers us a pathway forward.

Into the Ascent:  Journey Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Personal Growth

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Life moves fast. Insanely fast. And we all struggle to keep up with the deluge of input and conflicting demands on our time and energy: personally and professionally. An adventure mindset offers an immediate, and directly tangible, solution. The Five Elements of Adventure are the foundational philosophy and the filter through which we can reflect, […]

The Five Elements of Adventure


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It is all too easy to let life’s chaos reign and control our time and as a result, sadly, our relationship with our kids. It is all too easy to let life’s chaos reign and control our time and as a result, sadly, our relationship with our children. Adventure offers a catalyst for change: deepening […]

Peak Fatherhood: Adventure Guide

Personal Growth

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Four days in the wilderness. The freedom of taking a long walk. Last October I took a four day walk with a man who was looking for a hard reset in his life. Time to step away from the burdens and demands of his everyday and take stock of where he was headed, realign his […]

A Walk (in a circle) – 4 Days at Mt. St. Helens, WA

Personal Growth

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Tired of burning out and sacrificing yourself with little to show for it?

Download the 7 strategies for beating burnout and reclaiming your energy so you can live boldly with joy, success, and adventure